
What’s an APHANTASIA ?



Hello everyone, I’m ICHIDA Minami.

Have you ever heard of the word, ‘APHANTASIA’ ?

APHANTASIA is the inability to voluntarily create mental images in one’s mind.

Now, please relax and close your eyes. Let’s imagine yellow bananas.

When you said it,  I can’t imagine them and my mind goes dark, which is one of the characteristics of APHANTASIA.

I seem to be an APHANTASIA.

It is usual for me not to have visual imaging in my mind.

So, I didn’t know that most people could imagine into their head.

Until recently, not having knows why I couldn’t imagine inside my head, I’d had some questions, anxiety, an inferiority complex, and a hard life.

What had made me do so? I hadn’t known the reasons and the causes . 

In November, 2021 I found out APHANTASIA.
 It was one of the characteristics of the brain, by which, I was first shocked, but at the sametime I felt relief.

In December, 2021, 

A book, ‘APHANTASIA, Experiences, Perceptions, and Insights’ ,  was published in Japanese .

Soon I  bought the book and read it! 

I’m sure that there is some possibility that I am an APHANTASIA by reading it.

Not consulting a doctor, I’m not proved to be an APHANTASIA medically.

Originally, this book was written in English by Alan Kendle with APHANTASIA in 2017.

After that, it was translated from English into Japanese.

The stories of some people with APHANTASIA are published in detail, such as the catalyst you know the characteristics, how to face them, the appearance ratio of APHANTASIA, feeling plus or minus etc…

I knew that some had the same characteristics as I.

Though I blamed me, ‘Try to make effort’ ‘I have a shortage of effort’.

I felt comfortable. I could know and understand the characteristics by this book.

If you worry like me, I’d like you to read this book! I hope you also feel comfortable like me.

【About my artworks】

 Why can I draw pictures without visual imagery ?

I have liked to draw pictures since I was a child. But I couldn’t draw a picture as I image anything.

 I haven’t been able to draw yet, recalling a scene of memories, and imaging a phantasy world with visual imagery.

Also, I can’t visualize even the faces of my parents and my fiends.

How do I memorize?

I verbalize the features of someone and memorize them conceptually.

For example, Ms. Suzuki, 鈴木 in kanji, suzu, ‘鈴’ is a bell and ki, ‘木’ is a tree in English.

She has a long nose,  and brown long hair.

She wears glasses etc…

When I want to draw anything, I basically draw things in front of my eyes.

I sometimes draw pictures as I look at models or some pictures I took.

To put it simply, I draw by making full use of powers of observation and technique

, while I draw a picture in my own way.

That is abstract art.
I call it OTO NO E, ‘Sound picture’.

My feeling is expressed in it. 

 It was often asked as follows: “Is it just a imaginary world, right? ”

“ Do you have visual imaging in your mind? ”

I answered obscurely at that time!

Generally,  most people draw a rough sketch and get on to the main picture.

But I don’t draw a rough sketch. I draw Impromptu.

The moment that I begin to draw a picture

, I create a picture, visualizing my feelings.

Therefore,  I can’t draw the same picture.

After completing a picture, I can’t never add anything to the work and redraw

,because there is no visual imaging in my mind.

However, I have conception of my works, by which I remember the works I have drown before and  I don’t forget drawing pictures.

【About into the zone】

I concentrate deeply.

I haven’t been hearing the sound around me.

I get to my world.

Perhaps I’m in the zone.

I lose sense of time when I’m in the zone.

Before I realized much time had past without having a meal or going to restroom.

Though it is not good for my health…

Therefore I consume stamina.

When I get in the zone, I’m filled with feelings would like to draw, I begin to draw.

It is important for me to have opportunity to move my heart such as, going for a walk, going to art museum, and listening to music, etc…

They are vital for my drawing, which create my special art work

This book,  APHANTASIA makes me refreshed.

‘What makes me pictures?’ I always had a question.

But I realized that I may be an APHANTASIA by reading this book.

I knew the reason I have wanted to express anything and draw pictures since I was a child.

I’m so excited and I’m looking forward to drawing pictures now more than ever.


Now I’m enjoying drawing abstract arts ‘My emotion 2022’.

I’m satisfied with their art works.  Next time you can see my new art work!

See you then!

You are able to watching this video with subtitle in English. Please check it!  

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